Now I’ve seen some hot ass pornstars, for sure. Problem is, they’re not really good at being the hottest women on the planet. The Best Tits on the PlanetLove them or hate them, pornstars are really damn good at their jobs. Tube sites are my go-to, forums are where I spend my downtime, but when I want a surprise I head over to Reddit and hit up my favorite subs, because you never know what kind of hot bitch is going to decide to bend over in front of a camera next. There is not a nook or cranny that I haven’t explored in search of more original smut. Reddit Nudes, aka r/Nudes! As the best and most prolific jack-off artist on the web, you guys know that I go deep down the rabbit hole of subs and tubes to find as much fap-worthy smut as the internet will hold.