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Real-life boyfriends Hugh Hunter and Dolf Dietrich filmed their 10th scene together for Ricky Raunch. Porn newcomer Luke Ewing and Scott Riley on the set of Bait Buddies.ĭolf Dietrich and Armond Rizzofilmed a new video for Dick Wadd. Hot Randy Blue models Nick Sterling and Judas Cole filmed a new bareback video. Sean Duranfilmed his last porn scene with Marcus Isaacs for Treasure Island Media. Here’s a hot photo of Bogdan Gromov and Caio Veyron on the set of TimTales. You can see in the photos below that the guys had a great time working together.ĬockyBoys filmed some new scenes with Colby Keller and Levi Karter for the studio’s upcoming movie “ The Stillest Hour.”

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Hot TitanMen exclusive David Benjamin filmed two new scenes with Bennett Anthony and Micah Brandt. Boomer Bankstweeted more behind the scenes photos from the set of his upcoming video with fellow RSS exclusive, Bruno Bernal! Eli Lewis has also shot a scene with Brian Bonds, who is no longer a Falcon Studios Group exclusive. Johnny V and Ricky Decker filmed a hot scene for Raging Stallion.

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